
  1、Describe aninstancewhere you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and sawit though completion.(请你举1个具体的例子,说明你是如何设定1个目标然后达到它。)

  Demanding Goal: To design a musical anddramatic show to celebrate thecentennial Anniversary of Tianjin University.

  The personwho reaches this goal: Chairmanof Tianjin University Student UnionWhat I learned from this observation: It isnot necessary for atrue leader to be an expert in such or such field of hiscareer.But he must possess the charismatic and the capacity to drivedifferentpeople, who have diverged opinions, or even conflictinginterests, to proceedtogether to the same organizationalgoal.

  2、Summarize asituationwhere you took the initiative to get others on animportant task or issue, andplayed a leading role to achieve theresults you wanted. (请举例说明你在1项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所希望的结果。)

  Theactivity I initiated: To organize agroup to sing English anthemson Christmas Eve, visit all dormitories inuniversity and sendChristmas gifts on behalf of our English Association

  Thedesired result: To broaden the students’horizons about Westernculture.

  My leadingrole: Combine therepresentatives’ suggestions with my idea anddraw the decision on:

  *Whatsongs to play?

  *Who couldattend the choir?

  *Whichspots we performed on?

  Theresult: Many students said that theyfelt the warmness we sent tothem and they hoped we would hold such activitiesnextChristmas.

  3、Describe asituationwhere you had seek out relevant information, define keyissues, and decide onwhich steps to take to get the desiredresults. (请你描述1种情形,在这种情形中你必须去寻找相关的信息,发现关键的问题并且自己决定依照一些步骤来获得期望的结果。)

  Background: I organized the first activity aftertheestablishment of the Management School EnglishAssociation.

  Thedesired result: To help the freshmen andthe sophomores with theirEnglish while publicizing our group.


  *Whataspect of the students’ Englishabilities needed refining? RelevantInformation:

  *What kindof entertainment was popularamong students and also offeredchances for them to learn English mosteffectively?

  *Whichforeign teacher was suitable for thisposition?

  *When wasour member free? *Which place wasconvenient for mostattendance?

  *Otherrelated factors, such as theavailability of facilities and thelayout of the spots.

  4、Describe aninstancewhere you made effective use of facts to secure theagreement of others. (请你举1个例子说明你是怎样通过事实来履行你对他人的承诺的。)

  Background: I advanced a plan to found anEnglish Garden incollaboration with fraternal association inneighboringuniversity.


  *Theauthority of our school may dissent.

  *The costwas expensive, and we had noenough human resource to carry on thisproject.

  *Therewere too many English corners.Another one was unnecessary. Thefacts I made use:

  *Our deanapproved this proposal.

  *Ourpartner was willing to providefinancial assistantship. And ourmembers volunteered to design the details ofthe plan and implementit.

  *The pollshowed that the current Englishcorners did not meet the students’requirement and lacked uniqueness. Theresult: Others wereconvinced and we founded the English Gardensuccessfully.

  5、Give an example ofhowyou worked effectively with people to accomplish an importantresult. (请你举1个例子,说明在完成1项重要任务时,你是怎样和他人进行有效合作的。)

  Background: In the military training, wehold a MilitarySongs Competition.


  Design: Icooperated with my colleagues tofigure out the climax of theperformance, the musical accompaniment of the songsand the wholearrangement of the narrative poem.

  Rehearsal:I worked together with those whowere in charge of the lights,sounds and scenes to create the perfect artisticeffect.

  On stage:I reminded my fellows withgestures and eye expressions. Also, wecoped with an emergency coherently.

  Theresult: Our military team won the secondprize in thiscompetition.

上一篇:考研英语复试高频面试问题 下一篇:2016经典的英语应聘面试问题

